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7 Things You Can Do Now to Prevent Cancer

Cancer is unfortunately on the rise. In 2018, an estimated 1.7 million new cases of will be diagnosed. And by 2030, that figure is estimated to be around 23.6 million! But don’t let those statistics discourage you. With proper lifestyle choices, you can greatly reduce your risk of developing certain forms of cancers. Here are 7 things that you can do today that can go a long way toward keeping yourself healthy.

1. Add cancer-fighting foods into your diet. 

“Anticancer diets aren’t very elaborate and should not be expensive or confusing. Mainly you want to avoid the highly processed high fat, high glycemic index (i.e. lots of simple sugars) standard American diet,” says S. Adam Ramin, MD, urologic surgeon and medical director of Urology Cancer Specialists in Los Angeles, who notes that the traditional Mediterranean diet plan has been linked to fighting off cancers. “Developing new information suggests that the closest you can get to whole foods and a predominately plant-based diet, combined with fresh caught cold water fish as the main or only animal protein, the better,” he explains.

Other foods that have been touted for their potential anti-cancer properties include nuts,garlic, turmeric, berries, green tea, tomatoes, and cruciferous vegetables, like broccoli.

2. Stay away from secondhand smoke. 

“Everyone knows that smoking causes cancer, but did you know that breathing the exhaled smoke of someone else is just as bad?” says Dr. William Li, an internist, prominent anti-cancer speaker, and author of the forthcoming book Eat to Beat Disease: The New Science on How the Body Can Heal Itself. Being in the regular company of an active smoker increases cancer risk, even in a nonsmoker. In fact, studies show that even cats that live in a house with smokers have a higher chance of developing cancer. And if you haven’t quit smoking yet yourself, it’s definitely time to do it, as the habit is the leading cause of premature, preventable death in the United States.

3. Amp up your sun protection. 

Skin cancer is the most common cancer in the United States (one in 5 Americans will develop it by the age of 70). It is also one of the most preventable types. Simple actions, like regularly wearing SPF 15 or higher, can reduce your risk by an estimated 40%. But don’t just lather up for the beach. In order to amp up your skin cancer defense, you need to be armed against the sun at all times.

Dr. Debra Jaliman, assistant professor of dermatology at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai and author ofSkin Rules: Trade Secrets from a Top New York Dermatologist, saysUV light can penetrate windows at any time throughout the day and can cause the same damage as if you would be at the beach or pool.” The board-certified dermatologist suggests making sure you are protected “every time the skin hits your sun,” whether you’re outside or getting indirect sun exposure indoors.

Annemarie Fogerty, a hematologist and oncologist at Massachusetts General Hospital, agrees. “Sun damage is cumulative, so those 10 minutes commuting in your car or even a five minute walk from the office to the neighborhood Starbucks adds up over time,” she says.

4. Maintain a healthy body weight and avoid packing on extra pounds. 

Obesity is linked to increased risk of a dozen types of cancer. Thus, shedding some weight can greatly reduce your chances of developing cancers of the breast, pancreas and colon. “Taking into account that many people already are overweight or obese as adults, I strongly recommend focusing on the second part of this tip. Even if you never lose a pound, stabilizing your weight where it is and preventing further weight gain is important for health,” says Suzanne Dixon, a registered dietitian and epidemiologist. The American Cancer Society recommends adults get at least 150 minutes of moderate intensity or 75 minutes of vigorous intensity activity, or a combination of both, each week.

5. Make sure you are up to date on your screenings. 

Ask yourself today, “Have I had all of my necessary health screenings for the year?” If not, hop on the phone and schedule them. “Early detection is key,” says Dr. Kevin J. Cullen, director of the University of Maryland Marlene and Stewart Greenebaum Comprehensive Cancer Center and chair of the American Cancer Society Board of Directors. And the best way to catch something in its beginning stages is to keep up to date with your exams. Cullen recommends following these screening guidelines from the American Cancer Society so you know what to schedule when.

6. Watch your alcohol intake. 

“Alcohol is an established risk factor for cancer,” says Niyati Parekh, PhD, director of public health nutrition at NYU College of Global Public Health. She adds what while we hear about the protective effects that moderate alcohol consumption has on heart disease and Type 2 diabetes, even small amounts of alcohol consumed regularly increase the risk for certain cancers, particularly breast. “For cancer prevention, the American Institute for Cancer Research recommends not drinking alcohol,” she explains. If you do drink, the organization says to cap it daily at two standard drinks (12 fl oz regular beer, 8-9 fl oz malt liquor, 5 fl oz wine, 1.5 fl oz shot of 80-proof spirit) for men and one for women.

7. Grill meats with caution. 

Take care when it comes to flipping burgers and grilling meat. “Cooking red meat, pork, poultry and seafood above 300˚F can produce carcinogens, or substances capable of causing cancer,” says Maria Petzel, senior clinical dietitian at MD Anderson Cancer Center and Medical Advisory Board Member, Pancreatic Cancer Action Network (PanCAN). She offers a few tips to mitigate those cancer causing effects: “Pre-cook your meats in the microwave, oven or stove top, then finish them off on the grill; grill animal proteins on low heat and for a longer time; and marinate the meats in an acidic base like vinegar or citrus juice.” And sprinkle in some rosemary. Studies show that including this ingredient in a marinade can reduce chemicals produced when grilling by over 90 percent.

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